ON BECOMING A SHELLBACK By Steven R. Moss In the Navy there is a time-honored tradition that has spanned many years and this is crossing the equator. When a ship makes the crossing, it enters the realm of King Neptune. The king feels that the lowest form of life in the ocean is a slimy pollywog and he holds a rite of passage to purge the ocean of them and hopefully make them honorable shellbacks. This all begins by serving the pollywog a summons accusing him of committing unspeakable and heinous crimes against a shellback. The shellbacks subsequently order him to appear before the king and his tribunal on an appointed day and time to answer for his crimes. About a month before this rite of passage takes place the shellbacks meet to discuss this pollywog conspiracy. The king feels that all shellbacks have a moral obligation and responsibility to uphold his honor and to bring swift justice down on the heads of all pollywogs for committing these atrocities. They then meticulously go over the entire list of charges and reserve special treatment for those pollywogs accused of committing the most vile and despicable deeds. In my case they accused me of locking a shellback in a storeroom and depriving him of food and companionship of fellow shellbacks. A few days prior to the initiation, preparations for the festivities begin. The ship's carpenters construct the Tunnel of Love which is a chute, about 50 feet long, filled full of two-week-old garbage, that a pollywog must crawl through. Then the Royal Baby is designated which generally is the fattest shellback aboard. He has his belly covered with the most obnoxious concoction imaginable which a pollywog has to kiss. Then the carpenters build Baptism Pool and fill it with salt water in which a shellback in a black suit and a pointed hat they dunk the newly initiated shellback in which he swears to the king to help him in his ongoing struggle to eliminate all pollywogs. On the big day my ship, an aircraft carrier, set sail just after sunrise for rendevous with the king just inside the equator. Upon arrival on station the ship dispatched a boat to retrieve the king and his official entourage and to bring them directly to the ship. Since this is a highly regal affair, they required the crew of that boat to wear full dress uniform of the day, replete with medals. When the boat returned to the ship, the royalty was personally welcomed aboard by the commanding officer and escorted topside to their respective place of honor to reign over the day's festivities. The royal court needs entertainment and the shellbacks provide this courtesy of the Pollywog Dancing Women. These are pollywogs who must shave their legs, and wear tee shirts and work pants with the pant legs rolled up. They dance, sing, cavort about, and amuse his highness until he tires of them and waves them on. However, woe is unto any pollywog roaming around with his head down, and not paying attention, and gets captured by shellbacks. This happened to me. Upon capture I was promptly placed in a guillotine and had my face smeared with axle grease. I was then taunted and chastised by my captors and told to get out of there because they didn't want a dirty faced, a lowlife, scum-sucking pollywog in their presence. However, my treatment was mild compared to a certain officer's. Everyone knew he enjoyed cigars as he was always seen smoking one. He was tricked and seduced into coming topside to indulge in his pleasure and when he did he was immediately set upon and taken as a prisoner. A noose was placed around his neck, a cheap cigar stuck in his mouth, and the shellbacks paraded him about for the royal court's amusement; during which a fired-up zippo lighter was kept just far enough from the end of it so he couldn't light it. Meanwhile, things in the hangar deck had started to get lively. A group of pollywogs had charged up a fire hose and was spraying it on anybody who was looking over the side of the flight deck to see what the commotion was all about. This went on for roughly forty-five minutes before the captain came on the intercom and told them to shut off the damned fire hose. As I mentioned, earlier, special treatment was reserved for certain pollywogs. One officer had this honor bestowed upon him as he was designated to officially start the initiation. He was also the pollywog who had the most charges filed against him. He was the first through the tunnel, with its most rank, foul- smelling garbage. He was the first taunted by shellbacks with their shillelaghs, (these consisted of rope, soaked in salt water for around three days, left to dry so they would provide a zing when used on a pollywog) the first to kiss the royal babies fat belly, the first baptized and turned into a shellback. When it finally was my turn, I was in the last 700 or so, so when I crawled through the Tunnel of Love hardly any garbage had remained. Unfortunately when I came to the royal baby I knew him and he knew me. When he saw me this bigger than life Cheshire Cat grins spread across his face, upon which he forcefully grabbed me by both ears and rubbed my face into his belly, quite proper. I don't think he ever wanted me to forget that encounter and I never did. Next I passed in front of King Neptune where he acknowledged me and gave me forgiveness, then it was into the baptismal pool where the water was quite ripe by now. When I saw that I had mixed feelings about this whole thing, but what the hell? I had come this far too back out now, so I took the oath of allegiance, let them dunk me, and I was now a full-fledged shellback. The only part of the day's affair I didn't like was being unable to take a fresh water shower afterwards. A Navy ship comes equipped with evaporators for making their own fresh water. But ours were so small that they didn't produce enough to keep up with the demand and they wouldn't function properly because of the temperature of the equatorial water. So I ended up taking a salt water shower in which I never, ever felt totally clean. I got most of the yuck off me and took my fresh water shower later, when the supply had built up. This day has always remained a pleasant memory for me. The Navy never coerced me into going through this. I did it of my own free will. Nevertheless, by going through the day's events, they awarded me a delightful certificate attesting to this. Plus, I earned the right to initiate pollywogs in the future, became a true sailor, and an eternal member of King Neptune's realm. Overall, this was a hell of a lot of fun and I wouldn't have missed it for anything in the world. No sir. THE END Copyright, August 20, 2000, Steven R. Moss